Nobody's going to understand you if you keep on this absurdist abstract nonsense, you know that, right?

You're screaming in a language nobody really wants to decypher and even those who have the time to would probably think it's all really shallow anyways.

It's one thing to be artsy and make shit that you don't have any intention of making digestible for other people to consume but being a pretentious asswipe is another thing entirely

I guess that's true but meaning is subjective anyway so doesn't that undermine basically everything you've just said

Not to even mention the fact that the Internal Gratification/Pretentious Asswipe sub-dichotomy you just conjured out of the toilet makes zero sense

what's your problem even

my "Problem" is that you're willfully stunting your creative potential by creating what is effectively masticated pig swill

when you talk like that you really sound like a strawman. like seriously the most bare minimum "vent comic" spiked punching bag

Yeah because i'm being abrasive towards you and presenting a criticism of something you've made with great vulnerability

Which sucks ass, by the way. you can be vulnerable and make extremely deep and touching pieces of art without it sucking ass

i think ass suck capacity is subjective

God you're insufferable. I'm trying to say that you could be better and everyone here would feel more fulfilled as a direct result of your improvement

Are we on completely separate pages here or something because i feel like expressing opinions on something someone made and their right to make it are like, mildly intertwined at best. I don't grasp the stakes here at all

I fully realize you have the right to make art, dumbass

Then why are you riding my philosophical dick?

Let's kiss im bored

Yeah okay